Members of the Board
Members of the Board
Council Leaders
L Cocking, Broxbourne Borough Council
A Williams, Dacorum Borough Council
L Haysey, East Herts District Council
D Williams, Hertfordshire County Council
M Bright, Hertsmere Borough Council
M Stears-Handscomb, North Hertfordshire District Council
C White, St Albans City and District Council
S Taylor, Stevenage Borough Council
S Bedford, Three Rivers District Council
P Taylor (Mayor), Watford Borough Council
T Kingsbury, Welwyn and Hatfield Borough Council
Council Chief Executives
J Stack, Broxbourne Borough Council
S Marshall, Dacorum Borough Council
R Cassidy, East Herts District Council
S Bijle, Hertsmere Borough Council
D Scholes, North Hertfordshire District Council
A Foley, St Albans City and District Council
M Partridge, Stevenage Borough Council
J Wagstaff, Three Rivers District Council
D Nolan, Watford Borough Council
R Bridge, Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council
Local Enterprise Partnership
M Bretton, Chairman
N Hayes, Chief Executive
Hertfordshire Growth Board
P Dell, Director – Hertfordshire Growth
1. Apologies
There were no apologies for absence.
2. Minutes
The Minutes of the Board meeting held on 2 June 2020 were confirmed as a correct record.
Admin note- due to the fact that the meeting was held virtually, the minutes of the meeting will be signed by the Chairman at the next non virtual meeting of the Committee.
3. Hertfordshire Growth Board (HGB) – Growth Board Programmes Update
The Board received a report providing an update on the overall progress of the key Growth Board programmes.
Board members were pleased to learn that that a recent meeting with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) had been positive and the Ministry representatives had welcomed the direction of travel and details of the projects.
It was noted that Ian Charie had been appointed as the Project Director of the Hemel Garden Project and would be joining later in July.
The Board learnt that an inception meeting had been held to establish the new Programme Board overseeing both joint planning and Growth Corridor work for the North East- West Growth Corridor and the areas of development and objectives were beginning to take shape. There will now be a monthly meeting to build on this and maintain momentum.
Further to a Member suggestion it was agreed that progress updates from each growth corridor programme board would be shared between them to ensure coordination of joint work and useful updates on the wider work programmes.
Members discussed the wider issue of prospective devolution and local government reform (LGR) within Hertfordshire. It was noted that government were offering incentives to Local Authorities for this to be undertaken by 2023 but that reform particularly in two tier areas appears to be a clear direction of government policy. Further to debate it was broadly agreed that the Growth Board work and plans should continue, despite the uncertainty regarding LGR. It was acknowledged that the matter should be discussed in greater detail at a separate meeting to be arranged by the Chairman’s office.
Leaders noted the overall progress across the Growth Board programme and individual workstreams since the last meeting.
4. Hertfordshire Growth Board (HGB) MHCLG Workstream – Growth and Recovery Prospectus 2020
Not for future publication because of the confidential and developing nature of the strategic matters this Paper deals with.
5. Hertfordshire Growth Board (HGB) Communications Update
The Board considered a report and presentation regarding updates to the communications strategy, including changes to milestones for the roll out of communications branding.
In considering the presentation of the HGB microsite, it was agreed that consideration should be given to emphasising ‘Hertfordshire’ more within the mission statements on the microsite to ensure Hertfordshire remained visible and prominent in the branding.
The Board discussed the forthcoming webinar sessions designed to promote the work of the Growth Board, and assurance was received that preparation work would be undertaken and shared with board members to ensure that a consistent message was presented.
In response to a Board member question, it was explained that the ‘More for Life’ branding campaign had been temporarily deferred due the potential sensitives around its meaning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Noted the progress and reasons for the amended milestones and gave feedback on progress and next steps, and
- Gave feedback on the new HGB microsite.
6. Standing items Hertfordshire Growth Board (HGB) Budget Update
Members noted the budget profile and commitments for use for the Growth Board growth fund in 2020/21.
The Board learned that the Business Rate Pilot mechanism meant that the Growth Board Growth Fund was expected to reach £4m in 2019/20 and £4.5m in 2021/22.
Leaders noted the report and agreed the revised spend profile and commitments.
7. Standing items
South West Herts Joint Plan
It was noted that a meeting had been convened to discuss details of the plan and consultation was being undertaken with members.
Single Housing Investment Grant Harlow Gilston Garden Town update
It was noted that thus project was moving into the contracting stage.
8. Date of next meeting
It was agreed that the date of the next meeting would be 4 August 2020 at 4.30pm
9. Any other business
It was noted that Cheryl Davenport had been appointed Chief Executive lead for the East of England Local Government Association
It was noted that the Prime Minister had recently announced a £900m Getting Building Fund, of which Hertfordshire LEP had been allocated £16.8m. It was noted that that it was not only the north who required support for levelling up and development schemes.
It was noted that Joanna Averley had been appointed as the new Chief Planner for the MHCLG.