The Hertfordshire Infrastructure and Planning Partnership (HIPP) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the government’s proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Representing the collective views of the district and borough councils and county council, HIPP is committed to ensuring that the proposed reforms support sustainable growth and development across Hertfordshire.
HIPP acknowledges the government’s commitment to delivering 370,000 homes annually. Hertfordshire has pledged to build an additional 100,000 homes and create 100,000 new jobs over the next decade. Collaborative efforts with Homes England and other partners are already underway to deliver significant projects such as the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town and Hemel Garden Communities, alongside other new settlements proposed through District and Borough Local Plans. These initiatives are supported by a Development Quality Charter aimed at promoting high-quality design and sustainability standards.
Cllr Jeremy Newmark, Chair of Hertfordshire Growth Board and HIPP said: “We welcome the opportunity to comment on the Government’s NPPF consultation and support a brownfield-first approach in sustainable locations. We advocate for the definition of a Grey Belt to prioritise the development of underperforming sites within the Green Belt. However, we must ensure that development occurs in sustainable locations, along with affordable housing to support the needs of our residents and communities.”
Cllr Stephen Boulton, Executive Member of Sustainable Economic Growth, Hertfordshire County Council said: “We support the proposed revisions to the NPPF to increase support for renewable energy schemes and to safeguard our environmental resources. A vital area of focus is the improvement of our water supply in providing safe water, and a robust sewage and drainage infrastructure for the benefit of residents and the overall environment.”
Today, the Chair of the Hertfordshire Growth Board (HGB) Cllr Jeremy Newmark, Vice Chairs Mayor Peter Taylor and Cllr Richard Henry and Chair of Hertfordshire Futures Adrian Hawkins OBE wrote to the Deputy Prime Minister, welcoming the Government’s commitment to re-set the relationship between local and central government to deliver economic growth and improve public services.
As an economic powerhouse, Hertfordshire is critical to the Government’s plan to power up Britain and stands ready to trailblaze local growth to boost productivity and ensure that all communities benefit from improved living standards. By unlocking more local powers and funding, Hertfordshire can better address barriers relating to quality sustainable housing, access to skills, good jobs, the environment, and transport infrastructure, and fulfil the county’s economic potential.
View our letter from the Chair and Vice Chairs of the HGB and Chair of Hertfordshire Futures to the Deputy Prime Minister.